Well, these are my poems. My pride and joy. A lot of people write in a diary or share sob stories with friends. I write poems. I know every girl writes poems, lalala. But mine are different. I write from my heart. I dont write happy love poems. I hate those. But what i hate the most is ones that you can tell they forced out. They are sloppy and not put together well. I know someone who tries to be like me. She tries to write and she tries but she isnt good at it. It drives me insane. My goal is 50 poems and then i'll publish a book. The rough drafts are on a lot of things. I wrote one on a knapkin and one on the back of a concert flyer. I keep all of them so if one day i become famous, i have proof they are all mine. I take poetry seriously. Some people say that i should write music. I tried. I just dont like it. Songs are so...i dont know how to say it...like...theres the chorus and verse one and verse two. In poetry you have to lines no follow. It can be anything you want. Well im going to shut up now so you can read my poems. There is a comment option at the end of each poem. Please fill it out, but you dont have to. Thankyou!