Perfect son, Perfect student
Perfect Athlete, Perfect human
went to a party with a few of the guys
didnt know that tonite he was going to die
they offered him a hit, he accepted, to be cool
He kicked himself while he inhaled and called himself a fool
knew what he would hear when he got home
"No friends, computer, television or phone"
He kept inhaling, tasting the smoke in his mouth
He didnt know that his life was going south
out of drugs, time to go
If he would have been smart and just said "no"
Stumbled out the door and to the car
got in, not knowing he wouldn't get very far
Started the ignition when he found his key
and drove down the road to stoned to see
the truck came head on, it was too late to miss
17 years flashed by as the two cars hit
laying on the asphalt he took his last breath
regretting all the bad things hes done, escpecially the meth
he closed his eyes before the police arrived
the paramedics tried, but he couldnt be revived
17 years, too early to die
too late now, he couldnt say goodbye